Funeral insurance plans are a great way to save money on funeral costs. They allow you to pre-pay for the services you want today and lock in today’s prices, protecting you from rising costs. These plans are usually paid out monthly and do not depend on your health, making them a great way to pay for a loved one’s funeral before they pass away. There are many benefits to choosing a plan over an uninsured, cash-strapped funeral home, but you should consider the risks.
How to Know About Funeral Insurance Plans
Pre-paid plans have a variety of disadvantages, and you should consider the pros and cons of each before deciding. The major disadvantage of a pre-paid plan is that it may not cover your final expenses if you move out of the area. You may have to pay more than you planned to, and the money is gone for good. However, you will have peace of mind knowing that your loved one will have the services they want, and you won’t have to worry about paying extra.
You can purchase a funeral insurance plan that meets your specific needs. Depending on your age and sex, you can choose a policy that matches your preferences. Some products, such as AARP Level Benefit Term or Globe Life’s Term plan, do not build cash values or allow you to borrow from the policy. You can find affordable funeral insurance plans from leading providers. If you’re not sure whether a Funeral Plans are right for you, start by researching what options are available.