Guest posts service are a way for site owners to promote their website by creating content for other webmasters. The problem is many guest postings are abused and many more guest posts are never posted due to them being flagged by the search engines. Is it Safe to Use A Guest Posting Services? Yes it is safe to purchase guest posting service; however the one thing you need to be careful about is choosing guest posting service that has some sort of organic traffic flow. To be clear I am not saying that Guest Posting Services aren’t beneficial, on the contrary guest posting is extremely beneficial as it can build lots of backlinks for your site.
How Safe Are Guest Posting Services? Shortcuts – The Easy Way
However, the one problem with guest post services is that some of them are abused and some are abused severely, this means that some SEO’ers may even promote their own sites using guest posts. To avoid this one should make sure that their content is being published on site that has good organic search traffic. If you have chosen a site which ranks well in both Google and Yahoo then using guest post services is great. It helps your site climb up those search engine rankings and also gets your content indexed in these two major search engines thereby providing you with a free advertising.
However the one major issue is that sometimes Google and Yahoo search robots will rate your website either too low or too high for their keywords. For example if you use guest blogging services with Google then you will receive a lot of negative feedback and potential visitors who find out that you’re promoting your websites with guest posts will leave your website to look for better resources. In short guest blogging services can be effective but if you use the wrong technique and your website receives a lot of low quality traffic then it is pointless.