You may be wondering how to Shoe a Horse With Contracted Heals. There are many ways to treat the problem, and some are beneficial while others can be harmful. Here are some tips for reshaping the heel. Make sure the heel is at least 1/8 inch above the sole plane. If you notice your horse’s heels are enlarged, contact a veterinarian. Usually, a veterinarian can reshape the heel to correct the problem. Shoe a Horse With Contracted Heels
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The hoof capsule of the equine foot is a viscoelastic structure and is deformed when weight is accepted uniformly. Increased focal impact on one side of the foot causes the hoof wall to rise and contract. This leads to decreased ground surface and asymmetrical solar surface. It is important to understand the anatomy of the horse’s hoof to correctly diagnose the problem.
A horse with contracted heels is more prone to pain than a problem with its hooves. The heels can be too long or too short, and they can actually pinch the frog or bulbs. It’s also common for a horse with contracted heels to have a clubfoot, a condition caused by a contracting tendon at the cannon bones. To treat a horse with contracted heels, make sure it’s properly fitted and shoed.
The frog is important to the foot’s proprioception. This helps a horse reach forward while avoiding pain and stress on the coffin joint. When a horse is in pain, it may compensate by landing on its toes, which can lead to other pathologies. As a result, the horse can suffer from painful landings and even a coffin joint disorder.