You should always check the price before signing up for UK web hosting. Although introductory plans are inexpensive, they can get very expensive after the first year. Another fee that you should look for is the domain name. While many hosting companies give a free domain name, registering a domain name after the first year will cost you more. Also, you should check for SSL certificates. SSL certificates protect the information you share on your website. It is recommended to use a trusted web hosting company with a good SSL certificate.
UK Web Hosting – What to Look For in a Web Hosting Provider
Apart from the price, make sure you check the bandwidth. Bandwidth is needed to transfer backups from your web server to your desktop or to online cloud storage. Another important feature is the Content Management System (CMS). CMS allows you to create and manage content on your website. The most popular CMS is WordPress, which is free and runs on PHP/MySQL. It is recommended that you select a UK web hosting provider with unlimited bandwidth and storage space.
HostPapa is a reliable UK web hosting provider that offers shared, reseller, VPS, and WordPress hosting. Moreover, this provider supports G Suite and Office 365 integrations and offers a money back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with their service. Customers can also count on 24/7 top-quality customer support, which includes phone, chat, email, and ticket support. Aside from that, they also offer downtime alerts to let them know if their site is down for maintenance.